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Moving "setup" from one computer to another?


I have a server running sarge.
Now I want to install another computer with debian sarge and the same packages as the first one.

How do I do this the easiest way?
That is, how do I generate a list of installed packages from the runing server that I can use in an automatic way to install packages on the new computer and how do I do it?

I found this at http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-package.en.html
To make a local copy of the package selection states:

     $ dpkg --get-selections "*" >myselections   # or use \*

"*" makes myselections include package entries for "purge" too.

You can transfer this file to another computer, and install it there with:

     # dselect update
     # dpkg --set-selections <myselections
     # apt-get -u dselect-upgrade    # or dselect install

Is this the way to go, especially since:
"In stable releases up to and including Potato, dselect was the principal package maintenance tool. For Sarge, you should consider using aptitude instead." etc

Thanks for any help!


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