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Re: unable to install php with php support

On Fri, Sep 29, 2006 at 06:07:11PM +0200 or thereabouts, Ernst Plüss wrote:
> Hi All
> Im trying to install php with mysql support without success.
> My configuration:
> - Debian 3.1 stable
> - php 4.4.2 testing
> - mysql 4.1 testing
> I cannot take php from stable since I must have php 4.4.
> I have installed mysql, php4 and php4-mysql.
> If I run phpinfo, mysql no information about mysql is available.

I would stick with Debian packages, assuming you haven't. Why not just
install php5 from backports ?  Then things should pretty much just work
out of the box.


The camel died quite suddenly on the second day, and Selena fretted
sullenly and, buffing her already impeccable nails -- not for the first
time since the journey begain -- pondered snidely if this would dissolve
into a vignette of minor inconveniences like all the other holidays spent
with Basil.
		-- Winning sentence, 1983 Bulwer-Lytton bad fiction contest.

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