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Mailman refusing to create site list

I just (finally) got around to upgrading my mail server from Debian
Woody to Sarge, and that brought a change of my Mailman version from
something a few years old to 2.1.5-8, which refuses to start unless
there's a list named "mailman".  Seems a bit silly to me but, OK, let's
create it:

/home/esper# newlist
Enter the name of the list: mailman@sherohman.org
Enter the email of the person running the list: esper@sherohman.org
Initial mailman password:
Create a new, unpopulated mailing list.

Usage: /usr/sbin/newlist [options] [listname [listadmin-addr


Illegal list name: mailman@localhost

Ummm... OK.  It's refusing to create a list named mailman@localhost,
even though I told it to create mailman@sherohman.org.  I've also tried
using just mailman as the list name with identical results.

What do I need to do to get Mailman to agree to create the all-important
site list so that I can get my lists up and running again?

Also, I have a few virtual domains on the server.  Am I correct that a)
the site list should be at the server's primary hostname and b) it is
not necessary to create site lists of mailman@[every virtual domain on
the box]?

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (http://stobblehouse.com/text/battle.html)

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