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Re: Wireless PCMCIA, Micron laptop

For the record, GNOME is fine now, but I still can't assemble this driver.
The README says:
RTL Linux Driver version 1.5
for linux 2.6 kernel 2.6.5
on Fedora core 2.0

I assumed this didn't matter if I was compiling it myself... sound
reasonable, or should I use this wrapper thing on the Windows driver

Also, I tried
#make r8180_pci_init
which is the name of the c file, and I get a huge string of compile
errors, many of them errors with the actual include.h files, such as
/usr/include/linux/hrtimer.h and /usr/include/linux/ktime.h
Early on it says 'excess elements in struct initializer', and later a
string of errors for things with incomplete types; but there are all
sorts of syntax errors given.
Is there a standard set of packages to use to compile?

Also, I looked up .ko files, of which there is one, but I haven't read
through all of it yet.


On 8/4/06, Chuckk Hubbard <badmuthahubbard@gmail.com> wrote:
I found there is driver source on the website for the card.  It has a
r8180_pci_init.c, three .h files, a sparse readme, a .ko file, two
scripts called 'wlandown' and 'wlanup,' and a makefile.
lol, I can't get these files to do anything.
#make tells me "No rule to make target 'modules'.  Stop.
[modules] Error 2"  (paraphrased, I'm using a different computer)

The makefile does indeed have the command to make blah blah blah
"modules".  Maybe I need to change this?
The download is here:

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