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Re: webinterfaces.......

On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 12:20:19AM +0300, Margiolas Christos wrote:
> Sorry but I have a system with kde. the problem is that firefox and
> konqueror can't show me the interfaces of linksys and mldonkey............
> Christos
Hi Margiolas,
I am not sure how a web broswer is required to use these. What commands
did you expect to use with these? How does a web browser do this?
Also, there is 'kmldonkey' in Debian, so 'apt-get install kmldonkey' will
install a client to use the mldonkey network. And as far as I know, most
'linksys' network products do use a built-in webserver and can be
accessed by typing or some similar address provided
by the instructions. What that what you are talking about?
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