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Re: Mounting iso file as normal user?

On 07/25/2006 05:37 AM, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
Rodolfo Medina <rodolfo.medina@gmail.com> writes:

I created the directory `/mnt/temp', set its permissions to 777,
then added to fstab the following line:

 image.iso /mnt/temp iso9660 ro,loop=/dev/loop0,user,noauto  0       0

, then rebooted the computer. Then I could mount `image.iso' on `/mnt/temp' simply with:

 $ mount /mnt/temp

This way, though, the iso file *must* be called only `image.iso.
Any way to put stuff in fstab that allow mounting an iso file with:

 $ mount <iso file name> /mnt/temp

, so being it possible to freely decide the iso file name?

No, not without using sudo.

I created a zero byte file named something like /mnt/iso.file.
Whenever I need to create an ISO image, I write it to that file.

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