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how to convert an historically grown debian to utf?


i have several machines that run with debian since several years now,
  and i have new ones installed from scratch...

  the new ones all run under utf...

  i wanted to move the other ones to utf also, but ran into lots of

  i reconfigured the locales package to add the utf locales, and set the
  LANG variable to a utf pendant...

  under x i launched only the utf xterms, mut the xterms, mutt, vim etc
  all have problems displaying in some cases strange characters....
  the normal xterm beeing unable to switch to utf...

  what's puzzling is, that the problems aren't uniform...
  so mutt is abe to display some subjects in the mail listing, and other
  subjects are only lines of ?

  whilst reading the message yields again a valid subject...

  same with vi, the text is ok, but the vim-system messages are not...

  i searched through debian website, and google for some how to, but
  either i couldn't enter the right keywords, or i looked into the wrong

  checking with locales all seems ok, with locale charset not.... on the
  old machines that command still returns iso-something, and on the new
  ones nothing...

  so if someone could point me to the correct docu...

ciao bboett

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