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Re: Redirecting X from a remote host

Ed wrote:
I need to redirect an X application on a Debian box to run on another
system running cygwin X.

I managed to start X on the cygwin machine.
I telneted to the remote Debian box.
Now I want to invoke an application and have it displayed on my cygwin
X (client?)

On the debian box I know I need to do something like
xhost + (the cygwin machine)

I'm not quite getting it. Can someone set me straight?


1) On the machine that runs the program (that is the debian box), run:
export DISPLAY=ip.of.other.machine:0.0
The variables must be "exported" to the environment, thus "set" is not enough. Often there's an option telling each x-program which display to use, and the DISPLAY environment variable above thus becomes the default value.
2) On the machine where you want to have the output (ie the "window"), run:
xhost +ip.of.debian.box
3) run the program on the debian box, ex:
xterm &
It is advisable to use xauth instead, see man xauth.


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