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Re: network-manager and wpa

Michael Ott wrote:
> Hello Jason!
>>> Does anybody have a howto how i tell network-manager to support wpa
>>> encryption?
>> No effort required. If the hardware driver support it, it "just works".
> It is an ipw2200 card. And it dedect my router but don't asked about the
> password or something. When i try to create a new connection then there
> is no wpa encryption, only wep.
> Network runs with netenv and wpa_supplicant

Your driver/hardware has to announce its WPA capabilities via the wext
interface (the driver needs to support v18 or greater). The easiest way
is to install kernel 2.16, the included ipw2200 should work out of the box.


P.S.: If that does not work, post your versions of NM, wpa_supplicant
and a log (run NetworkManager --no-daemon).

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