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Re: OT: Politics [Was:Social Contract]

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On Sunday 30 April 2006 16:39, Kent West <westk@acu.edu> was heard to 
> In other words, when a nation's individuals do right by one
> another, and look out for one another's welfare above their own,
> there's no need for a bunch of laws. We no longer have that type of
> nation.

Which presents a chicken/egg problem.

People who believe that government interventions have positive effects 
see the way to solve this problem being greater regulation. More 
laws, more centralized power. To "legislate morality".

People who believe that government intervention causes problems see 
the way to solve this being the repeal of those regulations.

Being of the second party, I point out that the reason for such 
hostility between people of various political ideologies is the same 
reason for the hostility between various gangs fighting over 
profitable drug-sales turf: There is such an astounding quantity of 
wealth being divided by the winners in Washington that it is much 
easier to go and fight for a piece of it (no matter who gets hurt) 
than it is to earn wealth with productive work.

It is because there has been such a centralization of power that there 
is antagonism and hostility about how it gets divided. If that power 
were to be reduced or (Gods willing) eliminated, there would be no 
loot for the robbers to squabble over.

About John O'Hagan's list of things as seen from outside the US: It is 
interesting to note that without government intervention those items 
would be of no importance. There is no one fighting over the fact 
that there are thousands of different food stores, yet 
the "equitable" distribution of food is of immense importance and 
conflict in those countries where the government does that 

Somalia is an excellent example. Since the US (UN) left, and stopped 
trying to impose a powerful central government on the people in that 
country, the clans have stopped fighting each other 
_for_control_of_that_central_government_! Without the big prize to 
fight over, they stopped fighting and got back to the business of 
getting along.

His "unwillingness to help those in need without apportioning blame" 
is actually absurd on its face. In just one example, the S.E.Asia 
tsunami of 2004 saw some $500M donated by the American government.

The dollars donated by private Americans was in the $billions.


- -- 
September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

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