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How to auto start Firestarter?


I have firestarter installed.  However it doesn't automatically  start at system
boot until I manually start it as root after login as reguler user.  

Following the instruction in FAQ, I modified the sudoers file, and added this line
(for regular user jack) into it:
jack ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/firestarter, and then added the line: sudo firestarter
--start-hidden  into the GNOME Preferences->Sessions->Startup Programs. 

But it didn't work, the firestarter still doesn't load when the system boot and jack

Then I changed the line in sudoers to: jack ALL=NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/firestarter
start, and changed the line in GNOME Preferences->Sessions->Startup Programs to:
sudo /etc/init.d/firestarter start, too.  

But the firestarter still doesn't auto start at the system boot!

How can I make it auto start at system boot, or the start of GNOME? 
What have I done wrong? 

I have GNOME and KDE installed, but the desktop manager is gdm.

Any advice and comment are highly appreciated!



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