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Re: / full?

Adam Collins wrote:

This little gem might help you diagnose your space issues from the command line, as it's saved me many times:

# du -m -x --max-depth=1 / | sort -n

You'll get a listing of top level directories disk usage (in MB) for the / filesystem only, sorted by size in ascending order. You can then drill down into other directories to see what's hogging your disk space.

There's also Baobab, a nifty GTK+ Gnome app that's basically a graphical du:

Actually, there are bunch of GUI versions of du. I use du for a quick check when something looks a little out-of-whack, but Baobab has some nice value-added features and pretty colors that make it pleasant to go exploring with.

Maybe it helps if you're high. :-)

Michael M. ++ Portland, OR ++ USA
"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream." --S. Jackson

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