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Re: Odd spurious IP addr in ifconfig

David E. Fox wrote:
Earlier, I was looking at old threads in my mail archive and found a
neat way to get the IP address from a shell script, but in trying it I
noticed - hey that's *not* my IP address! I've had static IP here on a
DSL line since December 2000, and my IP address has always been the
same. I don't yet fool around with IP masquerading, which is possibly
what it could be.
Here's what 'ifconfig eth0' reports currently:

dfox@m206-157:~$ /sbin/ifconfig eth0
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:94:B7:53:84
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

And mine is (and has been for 5 years):

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static


So, I'm thinking, maybe it's a dynamic IP address, but I have no use
for that here.

This kind of problem is usually due to a nasty little package called
"zeroconf". It often gets installed inadvertently and then it messes
with your network configuration. Uninstalling + purging it, followed by
ifdown/ifup eth0 is normally enough to restore the old behavior.


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