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Re: vfat to ext3 without data loss

Please quote conversationally.

On Thursday 06 April 2006 01:48, Mirco Piccin wrote:
> Yes, of course.
> But a stupid question as mine was, is finalized to know if is possible
> convert the vfat filesystem without backup/copy in other location!!

No, it's not a stupid question, it's a smart question that has a stupid answer 
because of the differences between the filesystems in question.

> If there's no way to do this, of course i'll backup/copy data before
> formatting in ext3 HD!

One thing to keep in mind: Windows only reads FAT-based or NTFS filesystems.  
If you're just trying to keep your files from Windows when you move to Linux, 
move the files you want to keep in My Documents on the Windows box, then just 
move that off to other media.

Ob-OS-comparison: Why is it MS thought the registry was a good idea for 
handling multiple user configs, when even history up to that point 
demonstrated otherwise?

Paul Johnson
Email and IM (XMPP & Google Talk): baloo@ursine.ca
Jabber: Because it's time to move forward  http://ursine.ca/Ursine:Jabber

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