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Re: Upgrading from Sarge to Etch -- HowTo?

Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
> This is probably not a very clever idea. One day after etch becomes
> stable your preferences will point to the 'new' testing. In the
> following days and weeks you should expect that your system will upgrade
> all those packages that didn't make it into etch (because of bugs etc.)
> when it was frozen during the time before the release and now rush into
> testing once the ban is lifted due to the release of etch. This will
> quite likely break quite a few packages.

You have a point, but the way I look at it one "testing" branch is as
good as the other. On machines where I want to avoid this I use "stable".

Also, no one in their right mind (IMHO) upgrades their packages

I will keep you point it in mind, though, thanks.

> This way nothing get's mixed up and you will always be knowing which
> version of debian you are running (independent of release cycles)

I already do - unstable (which is always "sid".) All of the important
machines run "stable" and I trust them to upgrade well.

George Borisov

DXSolutions Ltd

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