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forward newsgroup messages to mailing lists

Hi all

My actual problem is to forward the messages that appear in news groups


etc., to a mailing list http://groups.google.com/group/cornell-bazaar . Upon searching google I found that, I need a news2mail program which is available in newsgate package for Debian. But the documentation is very tough to understand for me.

So my question is are there some kind of HOWTOs which explain stuff more clearly as to how to do this? Is there a better approach for this problem than news2mail?

The cornell-bazaar mailing list is a moderated mailing list where as the news groups are unmoderated. Will that present any particular problems?

Do I need to have a machine up and running 24/7 for news2mail to work properly or is it OK if the machine switches off once in a while. What happens to the messages that are posted to news groups when this machine is switched off?

Any ideas and pointers to documentation (hopefully comprehensible) are welcome.


Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

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