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Re: Debian X.org 7.0 experimental packages

On Thu, Mar 16, 2006 at 05:15:52PM +0000, Michael Ott wrote:
> Hello guys!
> Does anybody tested the new x.org packages from debian experimental.
> How do they work? Are there any problems with installing and using this?
> Does anybody tested it on a T43? And can I play tuxracer with them?
Hi Michael,
I have running most of the required packages from experimental.
Experimental pacakges are usually less polished then those in unstable. And
this is no expections. So far I had to edit some file, and fix a few
things to get it running, but I am using the xserver-xorg-video-nv
drivers and most of the requires packages from Xorg 7.0. So if you want
to have to debug some things and enjoy a challange getting it to work, have fun and
test them out! I did.
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