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dhcp restart problem

Hello everyone!
i have the following odd problem:
i must change the mac adress for an user pc and refresh the dhcp.conf file:
i'm currently running debian sarge 3.1:
-i did so:changed only the mac adress and replaced it with the new one,
-made an archive of the old dhcpd.conf file as dhcpd.conf~10.03.06
-tried to restart the dhcpd and after giving in the console:

/etc/init.d/dhcpd restart

i receive the following error message:

No subnet declaration for restart (
Please write a subnet declaration in your dhcpd.conf file for the
network segment to which interface restart is attached.

then i tried to check out if dhcp is running as a process using :
ps ax | grep dhcpd | grep -v grep

and it gave me:

2359 ?        Ss     0:04 /usr/sbin/dhcpd -q

so what shopuld i expect ?is dhcp daemon working?and why the h*ll i'm getting this error message?

Thanks in advance!

kindest regards!


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