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ping works in 2.4; fails in 2.6

Some weeks (months?) ago I tried to update my sid box from a 2.4.x kernel to a stock 2.6 kernel. Whenever I'd boot into the 2.6 kernel, the network failed to work. Not finding a solution, I decided to live with 2.4 until such time as I could pursue the matter further.

Last week I tried again, to linux-image-2.6.15-1-k7, with the same failure. Oddly, dhcp was getting the correct reserved ip address from my router during bootup, but after login, "ifconfig" showed a completely different IP address. I began to suspect a compromise, so being a bit paranoid, I completely wiped the drive and did a clean install of wody with the stock 2.4 kernel on a netinstall cd from last year or so.

After the rebuild, I upgraded to sid successfully.

Then I tried again to update the kernel to 2.6.15, and again, I see the network failure.

I was also getting the wrong ip address. I could even hardcode the correct addess in /etc/network/interfaces, rather than relying on dhcp, but the wrong ip address still showed up. Seeing a similar symptom on this list, I purged "zeroconf" and that problem went away; now I'm getting the correct address, both via static and dhcp.

If I boot into single-user mode, I can ping localhost, but nothing else.

If I then boot into normal mode, whatever script prints MTA on the screen hangs for a couple of minutes. After login, I can ping localhost and my router, but nothing else (by name or number).

I saw something about ipv6 in dmesg at one point, and purged any ipv6 packages I could find, and rebooted, but nothing change. I notice that the "ipv6" module shows in "lsmod"s output, but I can't rmmod this module; it complains about being in use, but I don't know how to track down what's using the module. IIRC, "ifconfig" does not show anything about ipv6.

I don't know how to use/interpret "route", but when I run it with no parameters, a first line comes up quickly; the second line takes a couple of minutes and then the program finishes out.

(Sorry I don't have more specific info; next time I'll compose my message while in 2.6, saving it for sending after I'm back in 2.6; but for now, I'm hoping someone will have a clue to push me in the right direction.)



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