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Re: description of udev, sysfs, hotplug, hal, etc.

On 2/22/06, L. V. Gandhi <lvgandhi@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2/22/06, Hendrik Sattler <post@hendrik-sattler.de> wrote:
> > hotplug: called by the kernel, loads the proper driver is can run scipts
> >
> > udev: called by the kernel, dynamic filesystem in userspace that relies on
> > tmpfs, lately replaces hotplug
> new udev suggests to remove hotplug. However sequence of activities by

The udev manpage says that it is "part  of the hotplug subsystem". 
Apparently my belief that hotplug-subsystem == hotplug scripts is
incorrect.  Since `grep -r udev /etc/hotplug*` doesn't match any lines
I guess I'm definately wrong.

So if hotplug is no longer suggested (where is this suggestion?),
where should I do something such as a script to automatically mount my
camera, move the images, and unmount when it is unplugged?  That's the
whole reason I started looking into this and I'm not really any closer
to having it done.  Is HAL the appropriate place?  If so, are there
any docs more manageable than the spec at freedesktop.org?  A
mini-howto would be ideal.

I've been filling in the http://wiki.debian.org/DeviceManagement page
but would greatly appreciate someone correcting my misinterpretations.


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