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Re: Restoring Firefox Passwords/Prefs

Kenneth Jacker wrote:
My 'firefox' got hosed again (all I did was to remove the
'downthemall' extension) ... even "firefox -safe-mode" didn't work ... G-R-R-R-R!

After first backing up my '.mozilla' directory, I reinstalled
'firefox'.  But (of course) all my "saved passwords" (and preferences)
are unavailable.

Does anyone know which files I can retrieve from the backed up
'.mozilla' tree (I already got "bookmarks.html") to restore all of my
passwords and preferences?

The passwords are in
(I have had problems when trying to share these files between my desktop
and my laptop, but I would expect that copying them works on the same
machine for the same user.)

The preferences are in

On a side note: I have had so much "fun" with uninstalling mozilla
extensions that I now always use brute fore. I identify all RDF files in
~/.mozilla/default/<random-string>/chrome/ which have entries relating
to the offending extension (with a simple "grep -ril extension-name
chrome/") and then I use the following bash-script to remove them:

#! /bin/sh

# mozrmrdf.sh
# removes all entries related to a given extension from a Mozilla RDF-file
# makes a backup of the original file via the sed --in-place option

if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "mozrmrdf RDF-filename extension"; exit 1; fi

if [ ! -s "$1" ]; then echo "ERROR: the RDF-file is empty or does not exist"; exit 1; fi

sed --in-place=.bak "/ *<RDF:Description.*$2/,/<\/RDF:Description>/d;/ *<RDF:li.*$2.*\/>/d;/ *<RDF:li>.*$2.*<\/RDF:li>/d" $1


(The whole script has only three commands: two "if" tests and one
lengthy sed incantation, which should be on one line.)

I have always been successful since I use this approach, which was not
the case when I still relied on the uninstall functions of the various


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