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Re: Limiting scp access

Nico De Ranter:
> The idea is to setup a server which is available from the Internet for 1
> specific user using scp only, but all other users can get full ssh
> access when they are connecting from my internal network only.

See man 5 sshd_config for the option AllowUsers. You can qualify
usernames with a hostname like user@host. Wildcards are allowed, too, so
it should be possible to do something like

AllowUsers scponly *@localdomain

But I am not sure about the "localdomain" part. It might be easier to
run two instances of SSH on the machine. One of them listens on a local
interface, the other one on the public interface with the restriction
to the scponly user.

When I get home from the supermarket I don't know what to do with all the
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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