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Cleaning /tmp regularly using bootclean.sh + crond

Do you guys clean regularly your /tmp ?

There's a nice script in /etc/init.d/bootclean.sh that does the job.
It is called from mountall.sh at boot time. And it is so nice that is reads the
configuration in /etc/default/rcS where you can set TMPTIME to the number of days
you want hold old files in /tmp.

But it only runs at boot time.
I was thiking I'll make my own clean-up script that will be launched by crond. But
why remake the wheel?

Can I simply symlink /etc/init.d/bootclean.sh in /etc/cron.daily ?
If this strategy is good, can we suggest that debian implements so by default?
Eventually a new variable somewhere in /etc/default would enable/disable the
execution of bootclean.sh by crond.

BTW: Why bootclean.sh is the only script in /etc/init.d which is not flagged as

Your comments are welcome,

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