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Re: Chinese censorship Re: Is my system compromised

On Tue, Feb 07, 2006 at 11:23:45AM -0500, Antonio Ognio wrote:
> El Tue, 07-02-2006 a las 01:01 +0100, wim escribió:
> > > you could always go directly to one of the google ips and do your search ;)
> > >	:)
> > >	:)
> > >	:)
> > > etc.
> > > they can't be blocked, the Chinese government just removes the DNS table 
> > > entries.
> Aren't they using some sort of huge transparent proxy setup? In my
> country telcos use it but perhaps China's numbers are a very different
> thing. 
> I'm just curious about this.. Haven't they blocked the address at the IP
> level?
In fact ISP's can block ranges of ipaddresses by placing access lists on
their incoming interfaces, also the other way around is possible: they
can block requests for certain ip addresses. It's quite easy to do, so
no mega proxy servers needed, just a list of addresses they don't want
to allow... You can find more info on the Cisco or Juniper website...

> Regards,
> Antonio.

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