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Re: Is there a GPL substitute for RealPlayer?

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

> Bryan G wrote:
>> i found this, I haven't installed it yet but it claims to
>> replace realplayer without the problems of realplayer
>> taking over your PC
>> http://www.codecguide.com/download_real.htm
> I find that mplayer is a far better substitute for what I
> used to use RealPlayer for: mp3 streams.
> 1. You can record and play at the same time w/o using
> vsound. 2. The quality of the sound is far better.
> 3. OpenSource. None of that hide how it works stuff.
> 4. Textmode. Runs on the textconsole.
> I am listening right now to KUSC with mplayer at the same
> time it is recording the stream.
> H

Could you specify the command that would allow you to do #1? 

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