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Re: nvidia vs. nv drivers

On Mon, Jan 02, 2006 at 04:50:33PM -0300, Gabriel Parrondo wrote:
> I just moved from nvidia driver to nv. The first reason is that there's 
> is a bug that doesn't let me install nvidia-glx without uninstalling 
> x-system-core, xserver-xorg and xserver-xfree86.
> Anyway, I feel better using nv as it's free :-)
> Now, can I install glx driver for nv? How do I do that?
Part of the problem is that there were some files owned by both the
nvidia and xserver packages.  I believe this has been sorted out, but
the versions that sort it out may not have filtered into testing yet.

Another issue is that the nvidia driver must be built with exactly the
headers of the kernel you are using.  So if you have a custom kernel,
you need to build the driver from nvidia-kernel-source (name from
memory--it is a Debian package) and then install the resulting
package.  It seems to be extremely sensitive to the exact version of
the kernel; for example, each variant of the 2.6.14 kernel needs its
own driver.

Finally, not the instructions (with the nvidia source, I think) about
which modules to enable and disable.  Some standard ones (dri?) need
to be off and some nonstandard ones (nvidia's glx?) need to be on.

Yes, it's a pain.  And I didn't realize the free driver didn't do 3d;
I haven't been able to get it to work and so have been using the
proprietary driver.


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