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Re: umount(ing) usbdrive mounted via gnome-volume-manager

Carl Greco wrote:
I cannot umount a usb memory stick that was mounted with
gnome-volume-manager while the file browser, Nautilus 2.8.2, is running
either by right clicking the desktop usbdisk icon or the folder in the
file browser. Error message: "umount: /media/usbdisk: device is busy".

I have experienced the same thing using GNOME. I found this to happen
when I used the X to kill the window, rather than exiting the window
using File->Close. Apparently, the signal used by the X widgit is
either not catchable, or is not caught. If it were caught properly,
then an unmount would take place. I didn't try using fuser to try
to resolve this, but rather just did a BHR[1].

[1] BHR - Big Hairy Reset

This message made from 100% recycled bits.
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I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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