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Re: Upgrading from old Sarge (Testing) to Unstable

Yasir Assam wrote:


I installed DVDs of Sarge when it was the testing distribution (before the 3.1 release). Specifically I installed a snapshot dated 30 April 2005. When I installed it the following lines were added to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux testing _Sarge_ - Official Snapshot i386 Binary-3 (20050430)]/ unstable contrib main deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux testing _Sarge_ - Official Snapshot i386 Binary-2 (20050430)]/ unstable contrib main deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux testing _Sarge_ - Official Snapshot i386 Binary-1 (20050430)]/ unstable contrib main

I now have broadband and would like to upgrade to the Unstable dist. What's the best way of doing this? I added the following line to sources.list:

deb http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/debian unstable main contrib non-free

and then did the following:

# apt-get update

Is it safe just to issue the following command?

$ apt-get upgrade

With all the transitions that are taking place right now in unstable, I would be very cautious in upgrading to unstable at this moment. However if you are brave enough then you can use the above command. It is safe in the sense that it will not remove any packages from your system and it will not mess up your configuration files etc.,


Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

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