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Re: Can't login... need help

Hi Antony,

I logged in as root and typed "startx". This seemed to work as it took me to roots desktop.

When I logged in as me (paul) and I typed "startx" I received the error message

xauth: timeout in locking authority file /home/paul/.Xauthority

Any ideas?



On Nov 28, 2005, at 10:58 AM, Antony Gelberg wrote:

Paul Ravish wrote:

Hi All,

I'm kinda a newbie to Linux, and I think messed something up. I can't
login through the gnome desktop manager anymore. I used to be able to
login and I can login under a different account on the system. I do
have several error log files, but I don't really know where to start in
fixing things.

So here is what happens.

The Gnome Desktop Manager login dialog comes up. I type in my name and
hit OK. Then I type in my password and hit OK. It seems like it's
trying to log me in at this time but then just comes back to the login

In /tmp there is a file called xses-paul.QrE84n. Inside it looks like
xrdb gives and error message of "No such file or directory" and "Can't
open display ':0'.

Any suggestions to fix this problem would be appreciated.

I would start by hitting ctrl-alt-f2 to get a proper login screen.
Login with your username and password.  If you get in, type startx at
the prompt.  Report back.

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