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Re: Wireless Help

On Saturday 22 October 2005 22:33, Greg wrote:
> I'm a noob to Debian.  I just installed the O/S on my PC.  I'm
> impressed so far but I'm trying to get my wireless network card to work
> (Linksys WMP54G).  I installed the wireless tools and downloaded
> "wireless assistnat" from sourceForge.net.  The file is called
> "wlassistant_0.5.4a-2_i386.deb" and is sitting in my home directory.
> My question is how do I install this.  From my desktop, I click on the
> file, which appears to be compressed, and three windows open up, two
> appear to be emplty.  The third contains the following three files;
> control.tar.gz, data.tar.gz, debian-binary.  When I click on the files,
> not much happens.  How do I install this?  I know binary files should
> be easier to install than "source packages", which are supposed to be
> compiled prior to installation.
> Thank you in advance,
> Greg

I set up a linksys card on my laptop, which runs Ubuntu.  You will need 
ndiswrapper and the correct windows driver.  

Ndiswrapper is a kernel module that will allow you to use a windows driver.  I 
have not set it up on a Debian box, so I am not sure what steps you will need 
to take.  I would have a look at these packages 

Use lspci to find out what chip the card uses, so that you can locate the 
correct windows driver for the card.

Good luck,


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