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Re: Spellchecking fails in OpenOffice 2


csj wrote:
> After building the Debian source for over 10 hours on my AMD
> Sempron 2500+ and using up nearly 10GB of hard disk space, I now
> have OpenOffice 2 up and running. The only problem is that

why were you building it?

> spellchecking no longer works (i.e., it used to work under
> OpenOffice 1.X).

It works in OOo2, too.

> I have the following spellchecking-related packages installed:
> "myspell-en-us", "libmyspell3c2", "openoffice.org-hunspell" and
> "hunspell."

Should be OK. The language of your text is set to English (USA)?
If you want another language, set the languauge of the document to it
and install the appropriate dictionary.

> Surprisingly, I could access the OpenOffice thesaurus. Moreover,
> spellchecking does work under Emacs and the various Gnome and KDE
> applications I have, including AbiWord and Konqueror.

They use a different engine for spellchecking. (but AbiWord uses enchant
which *may* use myspell.

> However, running "hunspell" (which is maintained by the Debian
> OpenOffice Team) returns the following error: "Can't open affix
> or dictionary files." 

Of course. Read the manpage. You have to specify the default.

> The hunspell man page point to two files that are absent from my
> system:
> /usr/share/default.aff
> /usr/share/default.dic 

Right. hunspell isn't needed for spellchecking inside of OOo though,
openoffice.org-hunspell links with the hunspell library so it uses
hunspell internally and doesn't need the hunspell binary.

The "hunspell" binary package is just packaged for people who want to
use it stand-alone (like ispell or aspell)

> What other package may I be I missing?

None as far as I see.



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