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Re: Which daemons run at startup

Ter, 2005-10-25 às 16:07 -0400, Stephen R Laniel escreveu: 
> I'm writing a script that will need to run across FreeBSD,
> Debian, Gentoo and probably other machines, and will need to
> tell me, among other things, which daemons would launch at
> startup if the machine were rebooted. So I wonder
> 1) what the best Debian command is to figure this out in a
>    scriptable way (which is to say, I know that rcconf will
>    tell me this);

You can do something like:

find /etc/rc3.d/ | grep '/S' |  cut -c 15-

and get a list of scripts that are run in certain runlevel (3 in the

This could be easily adapted to other OSs (at least those that have a
System-V runlevels).
Paulo Silva <pjs@eurotux.com>
Eurotux Informática, S.A.

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