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space concern

I found that, for some reason, a couple of hours after installing OpenOffice.org 2.0 from the rpm source via alien, that I had no space on my computer. I had had eighteen GB before. Someone suggested that I check via the command "du --max-depth=1 -m / | sort -g". So, I did, and here was the result:

debian:/home/mark# du --max-depth=1 -m / | sort -g
du: `/proc/4781/task': No such file or directory
du: `/proc/4781/fd': No such file or directory
0       /sys
1       /dev
1       /initrd
1       /lost+found
1       /mnt
1       /.spamassassin
1       /srv
1       /tmp
4       /bin
4       /sbin
11      /root
12      /boot
36      /etc
81      /lib
278     /opt
387     /proc
2166    /usr
6042    /media
11611   /home
18259   /var
38886   /

From this, I determined that, for some reason, the var directory now occupied over 18 GBs. So, I subsequently run the command debian:/home/mark# du --max-depth=1 -m /var | sort -g, which indicated that most of the space was in /var/archives. The contents are:
debian:/home/mark# ls /var/archives
debian-20051024.md5  debian-etc.20051024.tar.gz  debian-home.20051024.tar.gz
debian-20051025.md5  debian-etc.20051025.tar.gz  debian-home.20051025.tar.gz
I had installed a program "backup-manager", which I tried to run, but since I saw nothing, I thought nothing of it. I now speculate that maybe it was creating repeated backups, given the dates of these files. So, for those more in the know, can I delete these files in /var/archives? I've since uninstalled backup-manager. And how should I backup my system?

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