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Re: Using apt-move to create a partial mirror of packages (was Re: ISO Images from fully installed hd?)

Rogério Brito wrote:
> On Aug 03 2005, Fernando Cacciola wrote:
>> I have Sarge successfully installed in a machine, using just the
>> netinst CD.
> Fine, that's what most people do.
>> Now I want it on another machine... I can of course use the netinst
>> CD once again and wait for all the packages to download, but I was
>> wondering if I can somehow create a set of ISO images using the
>> machine were debian is already installed.
> This is where apt-move comes in quite handy: with it, you can get the
> packages you used to install your system, move them into a directory
> tree quite similar to that of Debian servers (with pool, dists etc)
> and you can use mkisofs to burn that on a CD for using on a friend's
> place where you are without Internet connection.
> This method is also quite handy for reinstalling after a system
> failure.
> Just be sure to save the list of package you had installed (say, with
> dpkg --get-selections or with wajig, for instance) and in the case of
> a disaster, you will be one step closer to bringing everything up
> again.
Ha OK.
What I just did was to use dpkg-scanpackages, as outlined in the APT HOWTO 
in the section "How to use apt-get locally", to create a "Packages.gz" with 
a compressed version of the packages list.
Then I created an ISO with all the .deb files along with the Packages.gz and 
burned it to a CD.
On the target machine I started the nestinst and I stop when I got at the 
"configure apt" section when it asks me to specify the source.
...then I get to work (the real paid work I mean) :-)
Tonight I plan to continue the installation putting that CD as the apt 
source... I don't know if it's going to work but if it doesn't, apt-move as 
you suggest here seems to be on the same line.
(and if that fails I'll use jitdo as others outlined)


Fernando Cacciola

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