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Nice ASCII logo.

I work for poor people through UNDP.
I am not a government nor Microsoft employee.

(Ask Bill)

> A lot of people in poor and developing countries are already
> aware that they should move towards open source, and they 
> themselves keep up with those master plans everyday ...

That is true.

They know they should move. But they do not really know how.
I have seen the quality of many 3rd world country masterplans.
They are poorly presented; their language and formatting is
bad; and most of them aren't based on facts.

Western masterplans are more decent and sustainable. If they
were to be adapted to 3rd world conditions, perhaps the
situation would progress angular, and 3rd world people
wouldn't have to struggle to keep up with their masterplans.

Thank you for replying, Mario.


Fafa Hafiz Krantz
  Senior Designer @ http://www.home.no/barbershop
  Furious @ http://www.home.no/barbershop/smart/sharon.pdf

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