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Re: eth0 won't come up with custom kernel

Forrest Humphrey <forrest.humphrey@gmail.com> writes:

> This system is going to be used as an internet gateway with dhcp
> server, iptables, etc.  So, if I actually did include CONFIG_FILTER in
> the configuration wouldn't I be using an old filtering interface and
> not iptables?  Why won't eth0 come up?

Let me guess, eth0 gets its address from DHCP?  You need CONFIG_FILTER
and CONFIG_PACKET for the client-side dhcp stuff to work. These
variables don't have anything to do with iptables, so you can still use
iptables if your kernel supports it.

Stephen Patterson http://patter.mine.nu/
steveSPAM@.patter.mine.nu  remove SPAM to reply        
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