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Re: Apache and Php

Curtis Vaughan wrote:
I don't get it.
Every time I do an apt-get update, upgrade the php functionality on our
web server gets wacked. Then I spend time trying to get it back up and
running right. Should I just put a hold on apache and php until I feel
certain that I want to upgrade them, or is there some reason why they
always get wacked?

I'm using apache 1.3x and just straight php packages (no php3, 4, etc.).

Are you running Woody?  If so, then this is a serious problem and you
should address it to the maintainers of the affected packages.  If you
are running Sarge, then it should be because you are willing to help
test the new release and you should file appropriate bugs so that the
next version and/or the next poor sap that is in your situation does
not encounter the same problem.  If you are running Sid, well that is
part of life on the edge.  After all, it is unstable and packages can
and do occasionally break.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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