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amaroK 1.2 broken?


I just got an update for amaroK from Debian unstable (1.1 -> 1.2)

The first time I started amaroK, it loaded (into my tray). Then I restored the playlist window, and tried to view the collection sidebar. That's when it crashed.

Now if I try to start it it exits before loading completely. I get the following trace if I start it from console:

andrei@cibo:~$  amarok
amaroK: [Loader] Starting amarokapp..
amaroK: [Loader] Don't run gdb, valgrind, etc. against this binary! Use amarokapp.
amarok: BEGIN: App::App()
amarok: BEGIN: static amaroK::Plugin* PluginManager::createFromQuery(const QString&) amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-amaroK-framework-version] == 4 and [X-KDE-amaroK-plugintype] == 'engine' and [X-KDE-amaroK-name] == 'void-engine' and [X-KDE-amaroK-rank] > 0
amarok:     [PluginManager] Trying to load: libamarok_void-engine_plugin
amarok:     PluginManager Service Info:
amarok:     ---------------------------
amarok:     name                          : <no engine>
amarok:     library                       : libamarok_void-engine_plugin
amarok: desktopEntryPath : amarok_void-engine_plugin.desktop
amarok:     X-KDE-amaroK-plugintype       : engine
amarok:     X-KDE-amaroK-name             : void-engine
amarok:     X-KDE-amaroK-authors          : (Max Howell,Mark Kretschmann)
amarok:     X-KDE-amaroK-rank             : 1
amarok:     X-KDE-amaroK-version          : 1
amarok:     X-KDE-amaroK-framework-version: 4
amarok: END__: static amaroK::Plugin* PluginManager::createFromQuery(const QString&) - Took 0s
amarok:   BEGIN: CollectionDB::CollectionDB()
amarok:     [CollectionDB] Available db connections: 1
amarok:     [CollectionDB] Rebuilding database!
amarok:     [void CollectionDB::dropTables(DbConnection*)]
amarok:     [void CollectionDB::createTables(DbConnection*)]
amarok:     [CollectionDB] Rebuilding stats-database!
amarok:     [void CollectionDB::dropStatsTable()]
amarok:     [void CollectionDB::createStatsTable()]
amarok:     [CollectionDB] Available db connections: 5
amarok: [Scrobbler] Couldn't open file: /home/andrei/.kde/share/apps/amarok/submit.xml
amarok:   END__: CollectionDB::CollectionDB() - Took 0.01s
QLayout: Adding KToolBar/playlist_toolbar (child of QVBox/unnamed) to layout for PlaylistWindow/PlaylistWindow
amarok:   Creating browsers. Please report long start times!
amarok:     BEGIN: ContextBrowser
amarok:       [void ContextBrowser::setStyleSheet()]
amarok:       BEGIN: amaroK::Color::Color(const QColor&)
amarok:         [ContextBrowser] Initial Color Properties: s:107 v:178
amarok:         [ContextBrowser] Unapplied Contrast: 53
amarok:         [ContextBrowser] Final Colour Properties: s:30 v:231
amarok:       END__: amaroK::Color::Color(const QColor&) - Took 0s
amarok:     END__: ContextBrowser - Took 0.02s
amarok:     BEGIN: CollectionBrowser
amarok:       [CollectionView::CollectionView(CollectionBrowser*)]
amarok:       [void CollectionView::renderView()]
amarok:     END__: CollectionBrowser - Took 0.02s
amarok:     BEGIN: PlaylistBrowser
amarok:     END__: PlaylistBrowser - Took 0.06s
amarok:     BEGIN: MediaBrowser
amarok:     END__: MediaBrowser - Took 0.02s
amarok:     BEGIN: FileBrowser
amarok:       [StatusBar] KSqueezedTextLabel, mainTextLabel: 19: 0
amarok:       [StatusBar] QHBox, progressBox: 27: 0
amarok:       [StatusBar] QLabel, unnamed: 19: 0
amarok:       [StatusBar] QWidget, positionBox: 26: 0
amarok:       [StatusBar] QWidget, unnamed: 16: 0
amarok:     END__: FileBrowser - Took 0.02s
amarok:   BEGIN: UrlLoader
amarok: BEGIN: UrlLoader::UrlLoader(const KURL::List&, QListViewItem*, bool)
amarok:       [KDE::ProgressBar::ProgressBar(QWidget*, QLabel*)]
amarok:       [StatusBar] Creating timer for: 1updateProgressAppearance()
amarok: END__: UrlLoader::UrlLoader(const KURL::List&, QListViewItem*, bool) - Took 0.01s
amarok:     BEGIN: void App::applySettings(bool)
amarok:       BEGIN: void App::applyColorScheme()
amarok:       END__: void App::applyColorScheme() - Took 0s
amarok:       [void ContextBrowser::setStyleSheet()]
amarok:       BEGIN: amaroK::Color::Color(const QColor&)
amarok:         [ContextBrowser] Initial Color Properties: s:107 v:178
amarok:         [ContextBrowser] Unapplied Contrast: 53
amarok:         [ContextBrowser] Final Colour Properties: s:30 v:231
amarok:       END__: amaroK::Color::Color(const QColor&) - Took 0s
amarok:       BEGIN: static EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine()
amarok: BEGIN: static amaroK::Plugin* PluginManager::createFromQuery(const QString&) amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-amaroK-framework-version] == 4 and [X-KDE-amaroK-plugintype] == 'engine' and [X-KDE-amaroK-name] == 'xine-engine' and [X-KDE-amaroK-rank] > 0
amarok:           [PluginManager] Trying to load: libamarok_xine-engine
amarok:           PluginManager Service Info:
amarok:           ---------------------------
amarok:           name                          : xine Engine
amarok:           library                       : libamarok_xine-engine
amarok:           desktopEntryPath              : amarok_xine-engine.desktop
amarok:           X-KDE-amaroK-plugintype       : engine
amarok:           X-KDE-amaroK-name             : xine-engine
amarok:           X-KDE-amaroK-authors          : (Max Howell)
amarok:           X-KDE-amaroK-rank             : 254
amarok:           X-KDE-amaroK-version          : 1
amarok:           X-KDE-amaroK-framework-version: 4
amarok: END__: static amaroK::Plugin* PluginManager::createFromQuery(const QString&) - Took 0.01s amarok: [xine-engine] 'Bringing joy to small mexican gerbils, a few weeks at a time.'
amarok:         [static void PluginManager::unload(amaroK::Plugin*)]
amarok: [PluginManager] Unloading library: libamarok_void-engine_plugin
amarok:         BEGIN: void EngineSubject::stateChangedNotify(Engine::State)
amarok: END__: void EngineSubject::stateChangedNotify(Engine::State) - Took 0.01s amarok: END__: static EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine() - Took1.12s
amarok:       [void CollectionView::renderView()]
amarok:     END__: void App::applySettings(bool) - Took 1.14s
andrei@cibo:~$ amarok:   END__: App::App() - Took 1.43s
amarok:   [virtual bool BrowserBar::event(QEvent*)] Line: 182
amarok:   [ThreadWeaver] Job completed: PlaylistReader. Jobs pending: 6
amarok:   [ThreadWeaver] Job completed: UrlLoader. Jobs pending: 0
amarok: END__: UrlLoader - Took 1.19s
amarok: [StatusBar] Creating timer for: 1hideMainProgressBar()
amarok: [void CollectionDB::createTables(DbConnection*)]
amarok: [virtual KDE::ProgressBar::~ProgressBar()]
amarok: [KDE::ProgressBar::ProgressBar(QWidget*, QLabel*)]
amarok: [ThreadWeaver] Job completed: PlaylistReader. Jobs pending: 5
amarok: [StatusBar] 1updateProgressAppearance()
amarok: [ThreadWeaver] Job completed: PlaylistReader. Jobs pending: 4
amarok: BEGIN: void CollectionReader::readTags(const QStringList&)
QThread::start: thread creation error: Resource temporarily unavailable

Anyone else having the same problem? My collection contains a lot of songs with titles/etc. encoded as CP1251 or sometimes UTF8.




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