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RE: Clarification concerning security of testing on a laptop

OK - thanks all for the information!  Based on what you've all said I think
I'll upgrade to sid - it sounds like it doesn't actually break that often,
but will give me the newest packages to play with and a reasonable chance at
security :)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: J.F.Gratton [mailto:grajea01@videotron.ca]
> Sent: 05 January 2005 02:59
> To: Peter Nuttall
> Cc: Debian-User
> Subject: Re: Clarification concerning security of testing on a laptop
> <snip>
> I just gave the first example that came to my mind, there are others,
> I'm sure. I know that from time to time it did frustrate me to see
> software I knew to be released, but not being available yet with apt.
> Concerning the specifics as to why Gnome 2.8 was or was not there fast
> enough... Do not take wrongly what I'll say, it is by no means as a
> rebuke:
> it's simple: end-users do not want to know *why* a specific package is /
> is not there. Politics/policies do not matter to them.
> You will say that it's open-source and people have to right really to
> complain, or better, that they should do it themselves. Partly true.
> Since I didn't mean to hijack your thread, people, I'll leave it at
> that :)
> Jeff
> On Wed, 2005-01-05 at 01:46 +0000, Peter Nuttall wrote:
> > <snip>
> >
> > I would disagree on this point. For example, when kde 3.3 came out it
> was in
> > unstable before the release was announced. (the packagers get it a week
> > early).I have seen similar upgrade speeds in debian at other times as
> well.
> > Also, was it not the case that Gnome 2.8 was ready in experimental, but
> the
> > packagers wanted to keep sid clear for running upgrades though to sarge?
> >
> > Pete
> >
> >

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