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OT: Copying image using acroread from pdf file


Sorry for the OT question. I know how to copy, but I need to know what
tools that will accept the image content copied from the acroread. 

>From acroread' manual:

| To copy an image or text in image format using the Snapshot tool:
| Select the Snapshot tool , and do one of the following:
| Click in the page to capture the content displayed on-screen.
| Drag a box around the text, images, or a combination of both.
| Drag a box within an image to copy just a portion of the image.
| Colors in the selected area are inverted momentarily to highlight
| the selection. You can open a file in another application and
| paste the copied selection directly into the target document.

The problem is that I'm yet to find this "another application" that will
accept the image content copied from the acroread. 

My first guess is gimp, but it won't work. All that I got is the following
in the log (no images shown):

- - - - >8 - - - -
offered type: TIMESTAMP
offered type: TARGETS
offered type: MULTIPLE
offered type: UTF8_STRING
offered type: STRING
offered type: TEXT
offered type: COMPOUND_TEXT
offered type: text/rtf
offered type: PIXMAP

checking pixbuf format 'png'
 - checking mime type 'image/png'
checking pixbuf format 'wbmp'
 - checking mime type 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp'
checking pixbuf format 'wmf'
 - checking mime type 'image/x-wmf'
checking pixbuf format 'ani'
 - checking mime type 'application/x-navi-animation'
checking pixbuf format 'bmp'
 - checking mime type 'image/bmp'
 - checking mime type 'image/x-bmp'
 - checking mime type 'image/x-MS-bmp'
checking pixbuf format 'ico'
 - checking mime type 'image/x-icon'
checking pixbuf format 'pcx'
 - checking mime type 'image/x-pcx'
checking pixbuf format 'pnm'
 - checking mime type 'image/x-portable-anymap'
 - checking mime type 'image/x-portable-bitmap'
 - checking mime type 'image/x-portable-graymap'
 - checking mime type 'image/x-portable-pixmap'
checking pixbuf format 'ras'
 - checking mime type 'image/x-cmu-raster'
 - checking mime type 'image/x-sun-raster'
checking pixbuf format 'tga'
 - checking mime type 'image/x-tga'
checking pixbuf format 'xbm'
 - checking mime type 'image/x-xbitmap'
checking pixbuf format 'tiff'
 - checking mime type 'image/tiff'
checking pixbuf format 'xpm'
 - checking mime type 'image/x-xpixmap'
checking pixbuf format 'svg'
 - checking mime type 'image/svg'
 - checking mime type 'image/svg+xml'
checking pixbuf format 'gif'
 - checking mime type 'image/gif'
checking pixbuf format 'jpeg'
 - checking mime type 'image/jpeg'
- - - - >8 - - - -

Please help. 

thanks a lot

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