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Re: About php-mysql error

On 10/20/05, Nevruz Mesut Sahin <databasearia@yahoo.com> wrote:
Our company is an e-commerce company. The customers enter the web side and and chose products and buy them by credit card.
Tecnical definition:
order.php sends the customer_name amount and credit_cardno ccno  to xbank_xml.php and xbank_xml.php sends to xbank these variables and  write to mysql "aproved" or "declined" acording to return value.
But sometimes it doesnot write resulttext to mysql although it is aproved. 

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Well I don't think anybody can help you without seeing the actual code. So what you can do is, log the sqls that you execute to a file and whenever an you don't get values saved to the database, check those sqls.

Or if you know exactly how to reproduce the bug, then use a php debugger (phpEdit or Nusphere Phped) and try debugging your code.

Also, you would probably get better answers in a php or mysql newsgroups. HTH

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