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Re: Hotplug, udev, hal, etc.

jjluza wrote:
> Anyway, Sid is not intend to work perfectly everywhere. it is intend to
> test and stabilize new things. For people who want to have a stable
> system, they should use Sarge.

Me waits for the day that this major change gets to testing. Then it's not at 
unstable anymore.

As I said before, I don't want to use udev because I simply don't need and I 
don't want a dynamic /dev. I would be perfectly fine with udev IF I could set 
it to a static /dev at installation time.
No, reading README.Debian is not enough, I don't even want udev to start with 
its dynamic stuff.
Why do we have debconf if not even a package like udev uses it?


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