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Re: debian installation (stable version)

Thanks David  for your answer.

The stable version includes a 2.4 kernel, after review several all possible variants I had in my hands and guessing that the problem is related to the driver for the network card, I took the following decision .

I downloaded the netinst CD for the testing version. (2.6 kernel included on it)

Installing using that CD no error was reported during the installation process,

After the installation, I found none configuration on /etc/network/interfaces. so manually I did it. First result, I was able to execute ping to the rest the Pcs in my network, first result.

The routing table was empty, manually I declare a rule that helped me ping Ips outside of my network.

/etc/resolv.conf wasn't created on the installation process, I created it and added my internal dns.

At last the ping command using the hostname worked properly

Then, I started to download the packages from Internet,

My first installation running and is the one I'm using to send this email

Thanks everyone who helped me

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