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Re: best way to use a package from unstable in stable...

Properly setup your /etc/apt/preferences file to include JUST that
package from unstable.

When Sarge was in testing I wanted to use the firestarter package from
unstable.  This was my /etc/apt/preferences file for using all
packages from testing, and the single package from unstable:

Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 900

Package: firestarter
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 1100

Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian
Pin-Priority: -10

I read about how to do this in the reference documentation at
debian.org.  I don't recall which document exactly, it's been a while.


On 8/30/05, JBaczynski@empirecorp.org <JBaczynski@empirecorp.org> wrote:
> I am running 3.1 stable & logrotate 3.7-5 as included with stable.  Unstable
> now has 3.7.1-1 which has some date logic in it that I really want.  The
> package has dependencies that aren't included in stable.  Is there a
> recommended way that I can get the newer version of the package into my
> server without breaking things or should I avoid this kind of mixing
> altogether?  Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated.   Thanks 
> Jason

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