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mozilla security: hangs after clicking on binary file


Due to the various sshd dictionary (apparent) attacks I have been
observing in my syslog, I tried a little seach on what script or worm or
bot is doing this and discovered this site:

When I click on sshf on this url:
http://dev.gentoo.org/~krispykringle/ssh_kits/ssh/ , mozilla seems to
hang. I waited for a few seconds and then killed mozilla and used wget
to download the ssf file.

The file seems to be:
$> file sshf
sshf: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for
GNU/Linux 2.0.0, statically linked, not stripped

Just being paranoid, but why would mozilla hang on when I click on sshf
link on the above URL? Or is it just waiting to do something? The CPU
load monitor shows high load. Hopefully I haven't shot myself in the boot :)


Please remove the underscores ( the '_' symbols) from my email address
to obtain the correct one. Apologies, but the fudging is to remove spam.

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