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CUPS "No pages found!" error

Hi, I have an Epson C40UX (usb). I've configured CUPS and it detects the printer but when i try to print a teste page from the CUPS Admin Page it doesnt print and the job status is "aborted".

Can someone help?

Thank you.


This are the last lines from /var/log/cups/error_log

D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] max_gray = 1, dither_grays = 2
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] max_color = 1, dither_colors = 2
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] Using color profile in PPD file!
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] cups->header.Duplex = 0
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] cups->page = 1
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] cupsPPD = 0x8685650
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] width = 2889, height = 3884
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] PageSize = [ 595 842 ], HWResolution = [
 360 360 ]
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] HWMargins = [ 8.600 39.600 8.600 25.510
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] matrix = [ 5.000 0.000 0.000 -5.000 -43.
000 4082.450 ]
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] resmp FindResource beg Helvetica-Bold D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] resmp ResourceStatus beg /Helvetica-Bold
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] resmp ResourceStatus end
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] FAPIhook NimbusSanL-BoldESP Ghostscript
815.00: Error: Font Renderer Plugin ( FreeType ) return code = -1
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27]
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] FAPIhook is in .loadfont context for the
 font Font NimbusSanL-Bold.
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] Trying to render the font Font NimbusSan
L-Bold with FAPI...
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] FAPIhook Helvetica-Bold
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] PathLoad known for the font Error: /inva
lidfont in -dict-
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] Operand stack:
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] bigFont Helvetica-Bold Font Helvet ica-Bold 313136 Helvetica-Bold --nostringval-- false Helvetica-Bold --dict:14/15(G)-- Font Helvetica-Bold --dict:14/15(G)-- Helvetica-Bold
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] Execution stack:
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] %interp_exit .runexec2 --nostringval -- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- - -nostringval-- --nostringval-- false 1 %stopped_push 1 3 %oparray_ pop 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop .rune xec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- 2 3 %oparray_pop 3 3 %oparray_pop --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nos tringval-- false 1 %stopped_push 6 4 %oparray_pop --nostringval-- 0 --nostringval-- %repeat_continue 9 5 %oparray_pop --nostringval- - 10 5 %oparray_pop 11 5 %oparray_pop --nostringval-- --nostring val-- --nostringval-- 15 6 %oparray_pop --nostringval-- 15 6 %op
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] Dictionary stack:
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] --dict:1119/1686(ro)(G)-- --dict:0/20( G)-- --dict:99/200(L)-- --dict:20/27(ro)(G)-- --dict:1119/1686(ro)(G)--
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] Current allocation mode is local
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] ESP Ghostscript 815.00: Unrecoverable er
ror, exit code 1
E [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] PID 8468 stopped with status 1!
E [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] [Job 27] No pages found!
E [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] PID 8469 stopped with status 1!
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] UpdateJob: job 27, file 0 is complete.
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] CancelJob: id = 27
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] StopJob: id = 27, force = 0
D [19/Aug/2005:04:46:23 +0100] StopJob: printer state is 3

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