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Re: Firefox and Debian Testing: Getting Security Updates?

Well, sorry for posting so many times to this thread; I've learned
some stuff and thought about a lot.

I ended up running "apt-get -t unstable install mozilla-firefox". 
That upgraded a lot of stuff, including a bunch of Gnome libs, and
also packages like gnome-panel-data to their 2.10 versions, which
worried me since I'm still running 2.8.  However, it all worked, and
now I even have nicer Gnome menus ("Apps, Places, Desktop" instead of
"Apps, Desktop", and KDE and Debian menus integrated into the Gnome

It seems like, since I started using Testing in February, I've
continued to get closer to Unstable by installing more versions of
packages from Unstable.  But I've never had anything become unusable
or crash, so I guess all's well.  So many light-years ahead of the
Windows experience.  :)

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