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RE: sendmail

Thanks Alvin,

But Im not allowed to reject based on rbl's, we tried that and in NZ
lots of companies use adsl and cable modems so we had huge issues and
political flak. Such business broadband is being heavily sold by our
major telco as a solution and trying to tell people who don't understand
how to manage the box on the end of their connection is hard work. Those
same people also have huge political clout as I have found out to my

Stuff like not in dns and non-rfc compliance I can get away with though
as I can justify it by telling the remote admins to go configure their
server properly (though even that is hard work as those same admins
complain to my higher ups about us being anal) spammers obviously wont



-----Original Message-----
From: Alvin Oga [mailto:aoga@mail.Linux-Consulting.com] 
Sent: Thursday, 11 August 2005 9:32 a.m.
To: Steven Jones
Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: sendmail

On Thu, 11 Aug 2005, Steven Jones wrote:

> Anybody got some recommendation on tuning sendmail to reject spam?
> Things like mis-behaving remote smtp server or servers not in dns ie
> domain does not exist....low cpu overhead stuff

in your sendmail.mc, just add a couple of lines and re-generate
sendmail.cf  ( "zero cpu load" stuff )

.. list of your fav rbls ... 3-5 of um ..

FEATURE(`enhdnsbl', `bl.spamcop.net', `Spammer $&{client_addr} $&f
rejected by RBL: http://bl.spamcop.net')
FEATURE(`enhdnsbl', `dnsbl.njabl.org', `Spammer $&{client_addr} $&f
rejected by RBL: http://dnsbl.njabl.org')


examples sendmail.mc files w/ RBLs checking

c ya

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