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Re: monitoring web-based email

On Monday, 25.07.2005 at 13:48 -0700, Curtis Vaughan wrote:

> We have an issue where management wants to monitor possible leaks
> through the use of Hotmail, etc. web-based email accounts. They do
> not want to just prohibit usage of such accounts. So, the question
> is, using SQUID, is it possible to cache what information employees
> are passing through such accounts, even if they are https?

If you are wanting to record traffic sent over https, then you cannot do
this anywhere between the desktop and the remote server, since all that
traffic is encrypted.  You will need an application on the desktop
recording this data before it is encrypted.

However, I would investigate the legal and ethical aspects of this
first, as there are a number of issues here.

Please don't CC me on list messages!
Dave Ewart - davee@sungate.co.uk - jabber: davee@jabber.org
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