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undefined reference to 'something'

Hi all:

I am trying to compile sparse matrix solver, wsmp, in my program. But I
always get following error message:
/home/YZhou/Cprogram/sparse_test/lss.cpp:108: undefined reference to
reference to `wsetmaxthrds'
reference to `wssmp'

They are functions in wsmp. 
I also used rtc() in my program. The linker doesn't report error on this
one. Following is how I declare the functions in my program:

extern "C" {
        void wssmp( int* N, int* IA, int* JA, double* AVALS, double* DIAG,
                int* PERM, int* INVP, double* B, int *LDB,
                int* NRHS, double* AUX, int* NAUX, int* MRP, int* IPARM,
                double* DPARM );
        double rtc();
        void wsetmaxthrds(int*);
        void wsetnobigmal();

Here is how my Makefile looks: 
	 g++ -o wgsmp wgsmp_ex1.cpp -L../lib/libgoto_opteron-64-r0.99-3.so
-L../lib -lwsmp64 -lpthread -Wno-deprecated 

The author said it may have something to do with  the compiler inserting
trailing underscores, etc. 

Could anyone tell me how to solve this problem? 

Any idea is appreciated!


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